Internet Services

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Main Topics
Domain registry FAQ
Hosting services
Domain forwarding
Website hosting
Domain name resolution
Personal Privacy
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Internet Services

In this section you can learn about a variety of Internet services.

  • Register a domain name
  • How a Website is hosted
  • Setting up e-mail hosting
  • Protecting your privacy
  • Other Domain services - Domain forwarding, sub-domains, etc.

Some of these topics may seem a bit daunting at first. Please do not let that discourage you! Once you have registered a domain or configured the domain for Web hosting, it is a snap. Just as with anything new it may be a bit unnerving at first.

Navigating this section

Click on any item under Main Topics. A new page will appear that various items related to the topic you chose.

Some pages may include links to other articles or Websites that open in a new window. To close that window simply click on the "X" in the upper right hand corner.

Lengthy articles have a menu at the left with links that take you to that topic on the page. Click on the link to read that part of the article. There will often be one or more Menu links that take you back to the menu.

The menu on many pages will have links that will take you to the Main Menu (this page) or to our home page.


www.PlanetEagle.Com  06/28/06